WorkSafe Mental Health & Wellbeing Program

Give your netball club members an understanding of their mental health and wellbeing habits, and how they can put create positive mental health habits FOR FREE thanks to our Principal Partner WorkSafe, and delivery partners Sport and Life Training (SALT) and The Mind Room.

Netball Victoria in partnership with WorkSafe is dedicated to fostering both the physical and mental wellbeing of our athletes. The WorkSafe Mental Health and Wellbeing Program provides clubs and their members with essential tools and resources to manage stress, build emotional resilience and enhance overall quality of life.

With the growing recognition of mental health issues in sports, clubs can ensure they are providing the best support for their members, paving the way for a thriving, resilient and successful netball community.

Book in your FREE mental health and wellbeing session today! 

The Mind Room workshops equip people with the mental skills to maintain wellbeing and to be adaptable, resilient and compassionate in the face of life's challenges. The workshops are practical, evidence-based and delivered by highly qualified and experienced psychologists. 

The Mind Room workshops are tailored to the needs of your club, team, association to provide skills and strategies for thriving, resilient people. 

A no sweat workout for your mental fitness

What is the mental health equivalent of eating your veggies or going to the gym? The Mind Room have taken a look at the science and put together a fit mind workout to get you laughing, curious and connected.

In this workshop, you will discover five daily behaviours to contribute to psychological wellbeing, resilience and stress management. You will also walk away with a personalised wellbeing plan that complements your life. 

Take Away:
•	A definition of wellbeing or a fit mind
•	Five key behaviours that contribute to wellbeing
•	How to create your own wellbeing plan

Clarify your personal values.

To get the most out of life, you need to know what you stand for and where you’re going. Unleashing your unique set of personal values can be a source of motivation that can guide problem solving and lead to better decision-making.
This workshop will help you to clarify what you stand for in life, to set meaningful life goals and to understand how this impacts your purpose and performance in life. 

Take Away:
•	Clarify your unique values set
•	How values influence wellbeing and performance
•	Create values-based goals to live with purpose

How to roll with your emotions

Ever let your emotions get the better of you? Not sure what to do when big emotions hit you? Join us for an exploration of the emotional life of humans.

By learning to identify our emotions – good, bad and ugly – and discovering the role they play, we can start to manage their impact on our thinking and behaviour. 

Leave with practical strategies to notice, shift and shape your emotions, so you can connect better to yourself and others at work, school and home. 

Take Away:
•	Identify and name emotions
•	Understand the function and impact of emotions on behaviour
•	Apply emotional management techniques in everyday life

  • What is mental illness?
  • Applying strengths from sport into everyday life
  • What life-challenges do athletes face?
  • What is depression and what is anxiety?
  • When can feeling anxious or depressed become a problem?
  • What behaviours indicate that a person may not be coping?
  • How to improve mental health
  • Practical ways of looking after yourself and your mates
  • The value of a genuine conversation. 
  • Suicide prevention strategies
  • Reducing the stigma
  • Where to go for help